Latest Features

Where are we with 5G adoption?
By Debbie Mayville published
Insight Debbie Mayville, principal industry consultant at SAS, an analytics specialist for enterprise customers, provides her take on the level of 5G adoption within businesses and beyond.

Will dynamic spectrum sharing get 5G roll-out back on track?
By Gavin Hayhurst published
Insight Gavin Hayhurst, head of product marketing at TEOCO, looks at how operators can utilize DSS technology, delivering both 5G and 4G LTE services using the same spectrum.

Private 5G networks aren’t immune to cyber attacks
By Dmitry Kurbatov published
Insight Dmitry Kurbatov, CTO at Positive Technologies, explains why private 5G networks require a greater focus on security.

Discover why ‘best effort’ isn’t good enough in a 5G world
By Jonathan Homa published
Insight Jonathan Homa, senior director of solutions marketing at Ribbon Communications, reveals why 5G requires a guaranteed quality of service.

5G in the USA: has Covid-19 stalled its rollout?
By Jason Carolan published
Insight Jason Carolan, chief innovation officer at Flexential, provides his insight on the effects of coronavirus on the rollout of 5G in the US.

Securing 5G for business
By Paul Graham published
Insight Paul Graham, cybersecurity expert at law firm Fieldfisher, provides an introduction to 5G security, and reveals the challenges that businesses face over the next 12 months.

Discover why TSN is vital for 5g-powered IIoT
By Alon Regev published
Insight Alon Regev, senior director at Keysight Technologies (an Avnu Alliance member) reveals why TSN, or time sensitive networking, is the secret sauce of 5G-powered IIoT.

5G network support in the Covid-19 crisis and beyond
By Friedrich Trawöger published
Insight Nokia's Head of Managed Services, Friedrich Trawöger, reveals why remote operations support is a lifeline for essential comms providers in the wake of coronavirus.
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